Structural Strengthening

San Jose , CaliforniaSize:
75,000S.F.Project Description
SCVMC’s original buildings were built in the 1950’s. This project was to provide a life-safety seismic performance upgrade to the old main hospital in accordance with the regulations of SB1953, the state law requiring seismic upgrades to hospital buildings.
Retrofit of the old main hospital will result in the demolition of the top four stories of Old Main East & Old Main West (seven-story concrete frame and shear wall buildings), the partial demolition of Old Main East to the ground, seismic upgrades to both remaining structures, & seismic upgrade of a portion of the Services Building link corridor, a three-story connecting structure between Old Main and the Services Building.
In addition, a one-story laboratory/radiology addition will be separated from the Old Main Building and retrofit, and a new two-story exit structure will be constructed adjacent to the administration building to provide patient egress from this building during retrofit construction.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center